Inktober 14: The Phantom of the Opera

Today's #Inktober pays tribute to Lon Chaney, the Master of a Thousand Faces, in The Phantom of the Opera from 1925.


Click here to see Kyle's other Inktober drawings.

To see more of Kyle's artwork, visit his website. Or follow him on Tumblr.

Inktober Flashback: The Great Pumpkin

Good grief! Linus needs a hand (and a fist) from Smash. Next year he should look for a more sincere pumpkin patch...

Great Pumpkin

Click here to see Kyle's other Inktober drawings.

To see more of Kyle's artwork, visit his website. Or follow him on Tumblr.

Inktober 12: Sweeney Todd

Today Kyle pays tribute to the legendary Sweeney Todd. If you haven’t seen the musical or the movie, you can read about the notorious “Demon Barber of Fleet Street” on Wikipedia.


Click here to see Kyle's other Inktober drawings.

To see more of Kyle's artwork, visit his website. Or follow him on Tumblr.

Inktober 11: "The Frighteners"

Before he made The Lord of the Rings, director Peter Jackson made The Frighteners with Michael J. Fox. Audiences didn't flock to the film in theaters, but we've always loved it — and here is Kyle's tribute.


Click here to see Kyle's other Inktober drawings.

To see more of Kyle's artwork, visit his website. Or follow him on Tumblr.

Inktober Day 10: Nightmare!

"How sweet... fresh meat!" Freddy Krueger would like to wish you all a safe and happy Halloween... and pleasant dreams!


Click here to see Kyle's other Inktober drawings.

To see more of Kyle's artwork, visit his website. Or follow him on Tumblr.

Inktober Day 9: Don't Pay the Ferryman!

In Greek mythology, Charon is the ferryman who guides souls across the river Styx in the underworld of Hades. Don't panic — he's just drifting past. Waiting oh. So. Patiently.


Click here to see Kyle's other Inktober drawings.

To see more of Kyle's artwork, visit his website. Or follow him on Tumblr.

Inktober Day 8: "Young Frankenstein"

I could quote the classic Mel Brooks film Young Frankenstein all day and night: "Put the candle back!" "Taffeta, darling!" "My grandfather's work was doo-doo!" And, my favorite: "Sedagive?!"

But instead, I'll let Kyle's Inktober drawing speak for itself.

Young Frankenstein

Click here to see Kyle's other Inktober drawings.

To see more of Kyle's artwork, visit his website. Or follow him on Tumblr.