Inktober 2016: Black Phillip
Here is Kyle's second Inktober contribution: Black Phillip, the (possibly) haunted goat from the recent horror film The Witch!
Black Phillip ponders the light.
Here is Kyle's second Inktober contribution: Black Phillip, the (possibly) haunted goat from the recent horror film The Witch!
Look away! It's too horrible for mortal eyes!
This week's webcomic is SO huge and scary that this tiny picture is all we're allowed to show you, by law!
If you're brave and strong enough, feel free to click here and see the whole page. But please be careful! Have someone dial 9 and 1 and hold their finger over the other 1, just in case you pass out from shock and horror. We don't want anyone to get hurt because of this awfulness!
What costume does the Joker wear on Halloween? (With a little help from Bane, of course.)
Click here to see Kyle's other Inktober drawings.
To see more of Kyle's artwork, visit his website. Or follow him on Tumblr.
Well, you'd probably start screaming too.
Click here to see Kyle's other Inktober drawings.
To see more of Kyle's artwork, visit his website. Or follow him on Tumblr.
Kyle already tackled Hellboy in an earlier sketch. This time he's drawn a pose from "The Corpse," possibly the best Hellboy story in my favorite book collection, The Chained Coffin. (Click on the image for a bigger view)
Click here to see Kyle's other Inktober drawings.
To see more of Kyle's artwork, visit his website. Or follow him on Tumblr.
Because, after all, Halloween is the night he came home.
Click here to see Kyle's other Inktober drawings.
To see more of Kyle's artwork, visit his website. Or follow him on Tumblr.
Today's #Inktober is a sequel of sorts (or a prequel? maybe a reboot?) to last year's picture of Dr. Jekyll turning into Mr. Hyde. Up close and evil!
Click here to see Kyle's other Inktober drawings.
To see more of Kyle's artwork, visit his website. Or follow him on Tumblr.
Click here to see Kyle's other Inktober drawings.
To see more of Kyle's artwork, visit his website. Or follow him on Tumblr.
Today's #Inktober combines the legendary Japanese yojimbo with the Headless Horseman from the classic Washington Irving story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."
Click here to see Kyle's other Inktober drawings.
To see more of Kyle's artwork, visit his website. Or follow him on Tumblr.
(Note: Inktober #16 depicted a memorable but violent scene from the movie Misery and was deemed too graphic to post on our all-ages site. You can find the image here — but we recommend parental guidance for younger viewers.)
Today's #Inktober is a safety warning: don't spend the night at Camp Crystal Lake. Especially on Friday the 13th!
Click here to see Kyle's other Inktober drawings.
To see more of Kyle's artwork, visit his website. Or follow him on Tumblr.