Despite the not-very-scary style of Smash (well, with some exceptions), Kyle and I are full-on Halloween fanatics! Ever since we were kids, we both light up like jack-o-lanterns as soon as October rears its head and the leaves start to change colors.
In honor of our favorite holiday, month, and season, here was Kyle's submission to last year's "31 Days of Halloween" for The Beat comics blog:
(Click for a larger view)
Yes, that's Smash protecting Linus from... the Great Pumpkin's minions, perhaps? I can't imagine any creature named the Great Pumpkin has motives that aren't truly sinister.
Kyle's so busy with new and revised artwork for the Candlewick book — drawing like mad to make our December deadline — that I'm not sure he'll have the time or energy for a new picture this year. Still, I'll keep trying to persuade him, and maybe we can have something in time for trick-or-treating.
In the meantime, share your favorite Halloween memories or traditions below — we'd love to hear 'em!