We received a fan letter from Matthew Dixson, who brought his son Kyle by our table at the Emerald City Comic Con. We found out Kyle has his own superhero character named Super-Kyle ("Great name!" says my brother), and real-life Kyle promised to show us his team-up with Smash. Well, here it is!
(Click on the picture for a larger version.)

Matthew writes:
After watching your panel, my son, the artist, was extremely excited to meet you, he kept saying he should make a comic of his own... We went to your booth to purchase Smash... We talked briefly with you about a Super-Kyle (that he has been drawing for years) vs. Smash team-up, where they both mistakenly thought they each were the villain, then after an epic battle they realized they were both friends.... So included is his "Smash vs Super-Kyle".... Enjoy!!! On the bottom it took me a minute to figure out what the little Superman getting bitten was.... Kyle explained that Superman bites Super-Kyle to give him his powers... Gotta love those 8-year-olds! Thanks for inspiring him. — Matthew
Thanks for sharing, Kyle — we're already huge fans, and we can't wait to see more of Super-Kyle!
If you have fan art, kids' comics, or anything else you'd like to share, please email us at smashcomic@gmail.com. We'd love to hear from you!