New SMASH Page: Dino Attack!
If Jurassic World didn't satisfy your appetite for dino-action, check out today's page of our weekly SMASH webcomic. Cyborgs fighting giant monsters... it must be summertime!
If Jurassic World didn't satisfy your appetite for dino-action, check out today's page of our weekly SMASH webcomic. Cyborgs fighting giant monsters... it must be summertime!
Did you know we publish a webcomic about Smash? Every Tuesday we post a brand-new comic page just like this one.
We're doing this to provide brand-new, exciting SMASH comics while we work hard to get Book 2 finished. Writing and drawing an entire graphic novel can take a long time -- sometimes a lot longer than we'd like -- so the webcomic ensures there are fresh SMASH adventures to read while you wait!
Click here to read more and come back next Tuesday to see the Monster Fighters fight the monster!
How does a 10-year-old superhero fight a 4-story-tall monster? Click here to find out!
We publish a new SMASH webcomic page every Tuesday, so come back for more! And if you want to help us make more comics, support us on Patreon.
SMASH writer Chris A. Bolton got to meet and chat with the amazing 5th graders at Sweetbriar Elementary School in Troutdale, OR.
These enthusiastic kids are studying graphic novels and are about to make their own, so Chris talked about their creative process and showed them a few things from How to Make Comics - the Smash Way.
(And yes, Chris mentioned that when he was a kid, they didn't study comics in school -- they tried to hide them from the teachers!)
Big thanks to Lynn Reaney and all the staff and faculty at Sweetbriar for being awesome. And HUGE thanks to the students for their super-smart questions and great ideas! We can't wait to see how their comics come out.
This week's webcomic is SO huge and scary that this tiny picture is all we're allowed to show you, by law!
If you're brave and strong enough, feel free to click here and see the whole page. But please be careful! Have someone dial 9 and 1 and hold their finger over the other 1, just in case you pass out from shock and horror. We don't want anyone to get hurt because of this awfulness!
For the second year in a row, we're honored that the School Library Journal blog 100 Scope Notes has selected our graphic novel, SMASH: TRIAL BY FIRE, as one of the Top 10 Circulated Graphic Novels of the Year!
This puts us in fine company like Bone, Amulet, Smile, Stone Rabbit, and Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales. Thanks to Travis Jonker for checking in to find out what K-5 students are checking out.
SMASH artist Kyle Bolton gave a reading for the kids at B.F. Day Elementary School in Seattle. A wild and raucous time was had by all! Obviously the "B.F." must stand for "Bright Future!"
The newest webcomic page is up and flying high! Click here to read it now.
And come back every Tuesday for a brand-new page of SMASHing excitement!
How much do you NOT want to be Captain America, riding toward this guy? Let's just hope the Winter Soldier feels like taking a long break from fighting...
Now we have a Patreon page where you can help us make more SMASH comics!
"What's Patreon?" you ask? It's a crowdfunding website (somewhat like Kickstarter) that lets you support creators as they make music, videos, or -- in our case -- comics!
It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to make an online comic. People have bills they need to pay, which means we need to pay our colorist, web host, and ourselves so we can keep living while we produce more new material.
By pledging monthly support on Patreon, you enable us to make more SMASH and share all the superhuman excitement with you through our revived webcomic.
If you'd like to contribute, please visit our Patreon page and select a monthly amount. And thank you for your support!
Here's some more info about Patreon: