Support SMASH On Patreon!
Now we have a Patreon page where you can help us make more SMASH comics!
"What's Patreon?" you ask? It's a crowdfunding website (somewhat like Kickstarter) that lets you support creators as they make music, videos, or -- in our case -- comics!
It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to make an online comic. People have bills they need to pay, which means we need to pay our colorist, web host, and ourselves so we can keep living while we produce more new material.
By pledging monthly support on Patreon, you enable us to make more SMASH and share all the superhuman excitement with you through our revived webcomic.
If you'd like to contribute, please visit our Patreon page and select a monthly amount. And thank you for your support!
Here's some more info about Patreon: